Meijia Li
Social cerebellum in explicit sequencing and person impression formation
The capacity to understand another person’s intentions, beliefs and personality traits, based on observed or communicated behaviors, is termed social mentalizing. The cerebellum is responsible for the understanding of sequences of motions and actions, which may be a prerequisite for social understanding. Recent meta-analyses have shown a crucial involvement of the cerebellum in social mentalizing. My research aims to test the hypothesis of the cerebellum as a “forward controller” of action sequences. That is, the well-known role of the cerebellum as a forward controller for guiding one’s own movements and actions is extended to the understanding of actions by other people. We hypothesize that the cerebellum builds internal action models to predict how other people’s actions will be executed so that we can automatize our social understanding and easily predict the action sequences performed by others.
Frank Van Overwalle
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel