Peter Theuns
Academic Staff
- Licentiate of psychology (Clinical Psychology Children & Adults)
- Certified Teacher in Higher Secondary Education
- Supplementary licenciate in management (MBA)
- Doctor of psychology
Non-academic career
- 1986
- Counselor Jongeren- en Gezinsadvies Centrum, St. Pieters Woluwe
- 1995 - 1996
- Mediator, HR counselor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Academic career
- 1986 - 1992
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Center for Statistics and Operations Research
- Teaching assistant: Maths and Stats in Psychology, Economics, and Social Science
- 1992 - ...
- Vesalius College
- Parttime Professor: Methods of Social Scientific Inquiry
- 1996 - 1998
- University of Ghent, Faculty of Psychology (FPPW)
- Parttime Visiting Professor: Data Analysis II, and Psychophysics
- 1998 - 2000
- University of Ghent, Faculty of Psychology (FPPW)
- Parttime Professor: Statistics I, Data Analysis II, and Psychophysics
- 1999 - ...
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Psychology and Education Science
- Fulltime Professor (Docent): Research methods I and II, Multivariate Data- Analysis, Survey Research, and Responsible for apprenticeships in Work and Industrial Psychology
- Research methods I and II,
- Multivariate Data- Analysis,
- Survey Research
- Methodology of Psychological and Social Sciences Research. Current research topics are:
- Cross cultural comparability of subjective Qualitiy of Life experience: Measurement invariance in Quality of Life
- Applications of Functional Measurement to Quality of life ratings
- Applicability of the Anamnestic Comparative Self-Assessment (ACSA) scale for Quality of Life assessment
- Data quality in websurveys : Context Effects in Surveys Other interests:
- Measurement quality obtained from rating scales in surveys: the impact of scale anchoring, labels, orientation, dimensionality etc.
- Electronic learning environments for education, specifically in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and methodological education.
- Ordinal data-analysis (Boolean analysis) and mathematical modeling of work-related social processes.
- Self-anchoring rating scales
- Response effects and rating scale formats
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels