Zosia Goossens
Chronic pain is the most common disease worldwide, leading to substantial disability and enormous societal costs and can thus be regarded as a public health disease. Insomnia is a major problem in the chronic pain population, including in patients with chronic neck/shoulder pain (CNSP), yet underlying mechanisms explaining the relation between sleep and pain are still poorly understood. Therefore, we aim to gain fundamental insight into the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the sleep-pain relationship in CNSP patients. More specifically, we aim at examining whether sleep disruption results in more central sensitization and pain in patients with CNSP without insomnia, and to examine whether improving sleep will relieve pain and central sensitization in patients with CNSP and comorbid insomnia.
Prof. Dr. Olivier Mairesse
Prof. Dr. Tim Vantilborgh
Prof. Dr. Jo Nijs
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels